‘‘The longing for dirt: does it go back to a time or evoke a feeling of sheer pleasure that has nothing to do with meaning or process ... getting your hands dirty or like a good shit. It’s also a beginning, a state of flux, a formlessness pre-form, pre-anxiety. And a reaction against the clean, the hard, mechanical edge; but it doesn’t preclude a transformation into that latter state. My favourite stuff, although it’s not dirt, is sand; either as the tide has gone out leaving it packed hard, silvery, and ridged, or sand as the tide comes in and it is undergoing a transformation, a total collapse. Very, very sexy.’’

Alison Wilding At Sea: Conversation by Fax with Phyllida Barlow. 1998


10th March 2022


Henry Moore's Helmet Heads: Edmundo Arigita talks to curator Toby Capwell
Ana Genovés and Kerry Stewart in conversation
Cy Twombly: Sculpture by Giuseppe Marasco
Maud Cotter: linked
Jeremy Butler by Krzysztof Fijalkowski
Neil Walton talks to Cathie Pilkington
Nicky Hirst in conversation with Matt Calderwood
Angela de la Cruz and Amikam Toren: Chairs
Si Sapsford: 3D Clay Printer
Stephen Nelson and Kabir Hussain in conversation
Neil Gall and David Gates: Backyard Sculpture
Sofia Silva on the Destruction of Monuments